Chippewa Valley Firecracker

like many others i love this race. this course feels like a roller coaster. much of the time you are getting enough momentum on the downhill to carry you up a good size uphill. very fun feeling.

took off on the back of a big wave (B later called me out for a weak attempt to get to the front. went down a very dusty service road. the most dust i have ever seen. couldn't see more than a few guys in front of me. pushed pretty hard to try to get up front before the single track. passed quite a few and got up toward the top. went into the single track in a group with a pretty good pace. had a lot of fun in there but i wasn't real smooth. a little distracted so i couldn't see the best lines or ride them if i did see them. the B and i had a little mix up before the race about something silly and i still had it on my mind. the old marriage saying goes, "don't go to bed angry". that's good advice and i'm adding the new saying that goes, "don't go to the starting line angry".

i tried to clear my mind the best i could. i started to do that and get into a groove when i dropped a water bottle. stopped to pick that up and then had to start back up a hill. it felt like i just wasn't going to get into a flow. decided that that will probably happen sometimes and decided to just try to have a much fun as i can and ride my own race.

i did end up picking it up a bit and making some good passes. noticed that people were becoming less and less willing to be passed. i'm thinking that this must be a good sign that we are up near the top spot. i will have to remember one open spot that i tried to pass on the left and went through a monster of a washboard. i went back on the single track and waited for a better spot.

came out of the single track and made a final push for the finish line. the course is so much fun that i was wishing for another lap. i checked results after some food and water. 1st place and a very pleasant surprise. there were a lot of good riders.

takeaway: the ride goes better with a clear mind.


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