go pavement! beat ice!

pretty boring stuff right now. been getting closer to consistent rides before work since the lobster gloves made it more humane out there. funny enough the temps rose almost as soon as i got those and now they are a little too toasty.

usually going between 45 to 75 minutes and 12 to 18 miles. today was my first try with intervals. 3o seconds on, 1 minute rest, repeat...repeat. feels like i am a long way off from where i want to be when i do that but it does feel good to break off some rust.

Theo Wirth closed the trails yesterday so i am pure path and road now for the next 1 to 2 months probably. riding the path the past couple weeks has felt like riding on the edge of a receding glacier. every morning i start out a little excited to see how much ground the pavement has gained on ice over the previous afternoon. it is sort of like watching grass grow and cheering on the grass.


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